Making the Case for Life Boot Camp

Led by Seth Drayer, Vice President of Created Equal, come learn how to confidently fight for life and be equipped to create a culture that values every stage of life!


Sat, September 21, 2024

8:30 AM – 1:30 PM UTC


Bethel Assembly of God

665 W. Indiana Ave.

Perrysburg, Ohio 43551

United States



This apologetics course will help you confidently make a case for life when talking to prochioce individuals. You will be equipped with ways to have conversations that will help create a culture that supports the preborn. Guest Speaker Seth Drayer is the Vice President of Created Equal, a prolife education and outreach organization based in Columbus, Ohio. Seth leads Created Equal's mission to equip preborn defenders with the scientific/philosophic case for life and conversational skills to create dialogue about abortion in their hometowns and circles of influence. Your $10 registration fee includes workbook, t-shirt and lunch.

TICKETS Selected during registration

Prolife Boot Camp
